Xiaofei WANG

Graphics&Geometric Computing Laboratory

School of Mathematical Sciences

University of Science and Technology of China

Email: xfeiwang@qq.com

Office: Management and Research Building

East Campus, University of Science and Technology of China

Hefei, Anhui, 230026 China


Xiaofei Wang received his B.S. from University of Science and Technology of China in 2017. Before that, he graduated from Hefei No.1 Middle School in 2013.


His research interests fall into the areas of visual and interactive computing, including
  • Computer Graphics
    • Computational Fabrication
  • Computer Vision
    • Point Cloud Registration
    • Image Retrieval

Publications and Projects


Robust and Fast Hypothesis Verification in 3D Object Recognition

Yilu Zheng, Xiaofei Wang, Peng Song, YinLong Xu

Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, accepted

[Project Page]

Computational Design of Steady 3D Dissection Puzzles

Keke Tang, Peng Song, Xiaofei Wang, Bailin Deng, Chi-Wing Fu, and Ligang Liu

Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics), 2019

[Project Page]


Computational Design of Wind-up Toys

Peng Song, Xiaofei Wang, Xiao Tang, Chi-Wing Fu, Hongfei Xu, Ligang Liu, and Niloy J. Mitra

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH Asia), 2017

[Project Page]


DIY a BB-8 Robot

Xiaofei Wang, Tianchi Yang and Hanwen Huang

Final Project on The course of Computer Graphic(Spring-Summer 2016)

[Project Page]

Copyright @ Xiaofei Wang